
This is me

Hey there, I am a Ohio based photographer who loves to use photography to tell a story.
I love photography for continuously bringing new people into my life and consistently providing a creative outlet. My approach with photography slightly differs depending on the type of session, but overall I strive to tell a story while also maintaining pleasing and creative aesthetic.
I believe it’s all about the stories you can help people tell, whether that be for a high school senior graduating, a family portrait, or using editing magic to create an illustrative portrait.
I believe it is important to tell your story, individually or as a family. The best way to do this is with photographs.
The other day I was telling a story about a time when I was young. While telling the story I was speaking as if I was actually there experiencing the moment. Did I really remember that moment in time when I was 5 years old?  No, not really. But what I was doing was telling a story based on pictures my parents had taken and by looking at them I created a story about what the event was and what happened. It was still a good story.
So how are you going to tell your story? Back in the day we used prints of images to tell our stories. We would review our lives as we sorted through the piles of prints that we stored in cookie cans, photo albums and even shoe boxes.  Today my children have scrapbooks to look back at their childhood memories.  This is thanks to Marybeth’s (my wife) dedication and commitment to saving those memories.
But today we swipe left and right, up and down. Get frustrated because our phones are out of memory and we have to delete some memories just to make some more. Or we look at the CD’s or the memory stick in the drawer wonder what stories they hold. But we are too lazy or don’t have time for everyone to gather around the computer screen as we look through images of past memories and stories.
How fun is that?
That is why printed pictures are so important to use to document your story. Prints are keepsakes, not CD’s, memory sticks, phone images or even the Cloud, which will eventually be obsolete.
When was the last time your parents gave you a memory stick of memories?
When I am not behind the camera, subbing in the local school district, or helping local nonprofits or you can find me and Marybeth cruising around in our convertible driving down roads that we have no idea where it may take us.
Just like our lives, only God knows his plan for us.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)